The TrackHat Sensor
A brand new, first of its kind head tracking sensor

Serious speed
Thanks to new technology, the Trackhat Sensor can track at speeds of up to 200hz, so no matter how fast your PC is, the Trackhat sensor can keep up! It also makes this the fastest tracker available.
Wide FOV
a 52.5° FOV makes this the
widest angle infrared point
tracker out there, allowing for up close tracking at a desk
or at range in a simulator rig.
The TrackHat Sensor is a world first infrared point tracking sensor for desktop PC gaming and simulation. Based on a brand new type of infrared positional sensor, it is the fastest and most affordable infrared point tracking sensor. The product is available for pre-order, and will be generally available in early march 2022.

Compatible with all trackhat head trackers, new and old. Build your tracking setup around your preferences; wired or wireless, hat or clip.

Seriously small
At 3cm by 2cm at the front, the TrackHat sensor blends quietly into any setup, with a small RGB LED to keep the user updated about tracking activity.

Micro USB
Use USB cables of any length for your setup
Extra secure
The sensor is only capable of capturing infared light, making it incapable of capturing a regular image if your computer's security is compromised
Massive game and
simulator compatibility
Thanks to integration with the freetrack protocol, TrackHat products work right out of the box with all of the expected games and simulators, plus thousands more

Pricing - the most affordable complete head tracking kit available
The TrackHat sensor, along with our head trackers gives customers a huge range of options. Our most basic kits are available from £90 MSRP, with wireless options from £112 MSRP

TrackHat Clip
Kit £90
Our entry level wired head tracking kit

TrackHat Clip
Plus Kit £112
The wireless clip plus, our most popular product

Kit £101
The original trackhat,
USB powered
Great for speaker users