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Head tracking security; PS3 eye head tracking warning.

Some head tracking solutions rely on a PS3 eye camera, slightly modified to allow for head tracking.

However, recently the security of these solutions has been called into questions, especially as the driver for the PS3 eye camera head tracking has been unchanged for many years, and is distributed by websites other than Sony. Downloading drivers for the PS3 eye camera from some websites may compromise the security of your PC and allow hackers to see into your home. TrackHat has addressed this security concern with the release of the TrackHat sensor, which is equipped with a revolutionary infrared sensor incapable of capturing a regular image. See a comparison below:

image captured by a PS3 eye camera TrackHat sensor can only see tracking points

delanclip security
PS3 eye head tracking - face blurred
The same image, with a TrackHat sensor

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